Mia: Shaken Not Stirred

The true life stories of a NYC female.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

If you’re dead and reading this R.I.P; if you’re alive and reading this I’m going to kill you

Sometimes I think that being a best friend well at least for me is a little bit like being a parent. You have to know when to let go of their hand and let them make their own way in the world. Reina and I have been inseparable since high school. We recently got our BA in Forensic Psychology and while I decided to post-pone graduation and add some counseling classes to my degree before moving onto grad school she decided to move to another state and give life out there a try. She wanted no more of school. I wasn’t too happy because a BA is nothing now a days but it’s her life and she had to do what she felt is best for her. All I could do is give her my blessing and wish her luck.

For the first couple of weeks I missed her terribly it was like part of me was missing. She is like the ying to my yang. We finish each others thoughts, each others sentences. We have our own little jokes that no one else gets but make us dissolve into fits of laughter. It’s like we read each others minds. Sometime something will happen and all I have to do is give her a certain look and she’ll crack up because she knows what I’m going to say. I didn’t hear a word from her, no one did. I figured she was too busy to give anyone a call. Everyone was surprised that I hadn’t heard from her since we’re always on the phone with each other when we’re apart. I text messaged her following: "The only excuse you have for not calling me is that you’re dead. If you’re dead and reading this R.I.P if you’re alive and reading this I’m going to kill you.”

For the past week I’ve had the feeling something is wrong with her. I woke up this morning after having dreamt with her. She’s going through one of her depression bouts I say to myself and I am determined that I will speak to her or hear news of her today, if not I’m heading out to her. Reina is prone to bouts of depression and we’ve been through some pretty rough stuff. I’ve always been her flotation device when the waters have gotten too rough for her. It’s always been the same she’ll push me away but just when she’s about to go under for the third time she’ll make eye contact with me and hold her hand out for me to pull her back to safety.

I call her phone and leave a message around 5 pm. An hour later I get a call its her… she was crying , “Why are you crying? I can't front I got kind of misty too. “Because I missed you so much. I’m back in NY I just got here. I couldn’t take it anymore I was so depressed.” She says and pours out her story.

Like so many of the stories I post here this story has a moral. It's about reconnection, love and friendship. If there is a friend or a family member out there you are missing, haven’t spoken to in awhile give them a call. Odds are they’ve been thinking about you too.


Posted by @ 4:03 AM
4 comment from: Blogger sexygoba, Blogger Cuteberry, Blogger Spontaneousnessity, Blogger Mia,