Mia: Shaken Not Stirred

The true life stories of a NYC female.

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Judas Gospel

I am a documentary-aholic, several days ago I read an article about Judas; it seems a gospel had been found and it said that when Judas betrayed Jesus he was actually acting on Jesus’ orders. National Geographic was helping in the restoration of the document and a documentary had been made about. I was totally blown away by this and was telling my friends about it. None of them seemed able to whip up the same amount of excitement about it that I was showing. I mean I was practically doing cart wheels. The words “nerd” “dork” and “geek” were thrown around in response to my excitement.

Last night I saw the documentary and loved it. Naturally there are those who do not believe its contents to be accurate they think it’s a fabrication but all I can say is what if? It’s amazing Christians would have a lot to think about. In a nut shell according the 1,700 year old Judas Gospel Judas betrayed Christ on his orders. If you didn’t catch the documentary by all means make a point to watch it. The story of how the Gospel was found and restored is fascinating in itself.


Posted by @ 9:34 AM
4 comment from: Blogger christina/ohio, Blogger Unknown, Blogger Mia, Blogger Goggles Piasano Ritardo,