Mia: Shaken Not Stirred

The true life stories of a NYC female.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Are you gay?

I have a friend we've been inseperable since we were teenagers. We’re always together even in school. When people see me they know she can't be too far behind. Whenever they see us apart they always ask for the missing buddy. People are not used to seeing us apart from each other. My poor BF had alot of trouble in the beginning dealing with this. She wasn't too happy having him around and he wasn't too thrilled with her. They drove me crazy finally I spoke to both of them and told them to cut the crap out. People have always wondered about us asking stupid questions, making comments about her. I’ve never been one to give a crap about what people think of me so I really don’t care what they think.

More than once I’ve had guys question the nature of our relationship due to her possessiveness of me. I mentioned this to my mother and she said, "Mia she's in love with you. Everyone sees it but you." I spoke to my dad and he said the same thing. Yeah it’s true she chose her major, and her school based on my major and the school I chose to go to. She followed me out here. I figured because she is unsure of what she wants to do with her life she’s following in my foot steps until she finds what she wants to do. I would know if she’s gay wouldn’t I ? Plus frankly speaking it doesn’t matter to me, I don’t give a pig’s booger if she is or not.

My mom is not the first person to say that she’s in love with me actually a lot of our other friends have said it as well. The other day while working on a school project we were having a discussion about sexual preferences, discrimination and society’s attitude towards homosexuality. As we were talking a slow realization came over me. She is gay but why keep it from me? I have several lesbian friends I’ve introduced her to and she knows I treat them no different than our straight friends so if she is gay she doesn’t need to be afraid to come out to me. I tell her this and add that I would not love her any less. Finally I ask her straight out, “Are you gay?” Her answer just shocked me I hadn’t expected it, she replied “I don’t know.”

I figured that it should be a clear cut black and white answer no gray shades, no in between just yes or no anything but “I don’t know”. I would have been less shocked if she had told me “yes”. She didn’t seem to want to pursue it any further so I just let it go. I figure when she is ready to talk even if it’s years from now I’ll be here to listen.

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