Mia: Shaken Not Stirred

The true life stories of a NYC female.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Intimidating eyes...

The other day a classmate mentioned that she had been in one of my classes last semester but had been afraid to talk to me. She said that I come off as an intimidating person but now saw that I was not that way at all and was glad that we had become friends.

Thank you that's really nice of you. Wait a minute did she say I was intimidating? WTF? Me intimidating? Heffa is crazy she better lay off that ganja it’s messing with her brain. I am not intimidating.

Then another girl from our group threw in her two cents. She said when she first met me she’d been intimidated by me as well. That I come across as thugette, someone that’d make you swallow your teeth just for looking at her the wrong way.

WTF?! Wench mind yo' business, when I want your opinion I will beat it out of you. I am not intimidating...I am soft and cuddly...I am a pooh bear, dagnaf it!

The fact that my classmate thought I was intimidating kind of hurt my feelings. It’s not the first time I’ve heard that. Now I know how Frankenstein’s monster felt. I looked over my shoulder expecting the villagers to come out with lit torches and pitch forks. People have these preconceived notions about me. I asked my mom about this whole intimidating crap….

Mia: What do you mean I am intimidating?

Mom: It has something to do with your eyes.

Mia: My eyes?! People always tell me I have nice eyes ma.

Mom; You do, you have beautiful eyes but la mirada nena; the way you look at people it’s like you can see through them. It's like your reading them. Then again it could be your tattoos. The tattoos combined with your eyes make you look like a bad ass. You look like you were born wearing leather diaper, with a cigarette hanging out of your mouth and a formula bottle full of Jack Daniel’s in your hand.

Okay I can’t front I do love leather. I have a decent selection of leather jackets, ripped jeans and Timberland boots…I’m not into that whole bandana thing…..anymore...and she's right when I look at people I tend to really look at them. I check out their body language, their aura, the vibe I pick up off of them. I pay attention to all that stuff. In effect I guess I am reading them.

Mia: I don’t flash my tattoos in school I keep them covered up.

Mom: Then it’s gotta be the eyes.

Mia: Umm gee thanks ma …

Mom: Sweetheart it’s not a diss. The eyes are the window to the soul. You wear you’re personality on your face.

My personality on my face..WTF is this woman saying that I have the face of a Mafia hitman? Okay it’s obvious I’m never going to get to the root of this so called intimidation factor I possess. Mom is not going to be able to help me with this one.

Mom: You don’t hide anything; you’re not about lies and games. You’re a straight forward person and if someone doesn’t have all their shit together of course they are going to be intimidated by you… You’re a strong woman and that scares the shit out of some people.

No, no help at all on this one…maybe she’s right maybe it is the eyes. I love that woman ….I can do no wrong in her eyes, I am perfection to her. The woman is bonkers, I am so lucky to have her as my mom.

I guess I’m like those anorexics that look in the mirror and see a distorted picture of themselves. I see myself as a little fluffy teddy bear sporting a big pink bow while everyone else sees a bad ass. I’m going with my mother’s theory, I have intimidating eyes.


Posted by @ 1:04 PM
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