Mia: Shaken Not Stirred

The true life stories of a NYC female.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A meme of sight, smell and sound

Aisha invited her readers to take part in a meme of senses and memories. I invite you to do the same it was an interesting experience...
The smell of Cool Water cologne brings back the memory of my first kiss.

The sound of a double dutch rope hitting the pavement reminds me of afternoons spent playing in the school yard. As we got ready to jump into the action the playground would echo with the sounds of us singing, “A my name is Alice …” stopping only long enough to savor our coco ices or cherry piraguas.

The sight of Mr. Bear sitting on my book case makes me feel safe. Mr. Bear is a teeny tiny white teddy bear with a rattle in his tummy. He was given to me on the day I was born, placed on my incubator to watch over me. As a child he protected me from the monster living under my bed and his brother el cuco who lived in my closet. All I had to do was shake him and the rattle in his tummy would scare off anything that went bump in the night.

The sight of empty space in the NYC skyline : Once upon a time when I opened my bedroom window and looked towards the right I was able to see The World Trade Center. Now whenever I glance over that way and see the empty space it brings back memories of that day. Needless to say I try not to look in that direction too often.

Posted by @ 12:39 AM
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