Mia: Shaken Not Stirred

The true life stories of a NYC female.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Stay out of the water Nora!

I got this photo from one of my favorite blogs Miss Mabrouk make sure to check her out. The reason I loved this photo was because it reminded me of my dear Aunt Nora who has not been swimming since Eve ate the apple. The closest she comes to it is standing in her mom’s pool in upstate NY.

Miss Mabrouk has an interesting fact posted on her blog about ladies dying in Alexandria every summer due to the weight of their garments in the currents. Man versus nature… nature scores! The reason that this fact interested me so much is that as you read this my aunt Nora is in Alexandria. For the love of Allah stay away out of the water Nora!!

Posted by @ 8:16 PM
1 comment from: Blogger ritzy,