Mia: Shaken Not Stirred

The true life stories of a NYC female.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

11 Kids found kept in cages...

(This dog cage is the same size as the cages the children were kept in)

WAKEMAN, Ohio - Sheriff’s deputies found 11 children locked in cages less than 3½ feet high inside a home, but a couple denied they had abused or neglected the children. The kids were the adopted children and foster children of Sharen and Mike Gravelle. County Prosecutor Russell Leffler said the Gravelles claimed a psychiatrist recommended they place the children in cages. Read the more on this story.

My mother is always joking around that the walking wounded can spot me a mile away and are drawn to me. Walking wounded is what I call people from dysfunctional backgrounds. They go about their daily lives with their pain just below the surface. Because they are able to function normally no one is aware of the pain they hold inside. For some reason when they meet me it all bubbles up, spewing out of their mouths like verbal vomit. I sit and I listen sometimes this is enough, other times it’s not. This is why I chose the field of psychology. I want to be able to help these people, kids specifically. There’s a joke about whenever something is wrong with a person the shrink always tends to blame the mother. I’m starting to believe it’s true well not just the mother but the family unit itself. I’m surrounded by people who come from dysfunctional families and the stories they tell me are amazing. I’ve seen first hand how some of my friends are treated by their parents and it makes me just want to slap the teeth out of their mouths.

When I read the story of the 11 children kept in cages I was outraged and that they tried to claim that a psychiatrist recommended this as a form of treatment pissed me off even more. I can only wonder what lays ahead for these kids.

Posted by @ 7:11 PM
2 comment from: Blogger Just Jane, Blogger DannieS72,