Mia: Shaken Not Stirred

The true life stories of a NYC female.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Peeps like you, me and Mrs. Shapiro from down the hall

It is my opinion that Bush The Younger is either possessed by or channeling the spirit of the world’s ugliest cross dresser J. Edgar Hoover. It’s the only plausible explanation that I can come up with for his new found love of spying on Americans. His latest spying venture involves data mining our phone records. Our beloved government is secretly collecting the phone records of peeps like you, me and Mrs. Shapiro from down the hall. The government is building a data base with all of this information looking for any patterns that might suggest terrorism. AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth began turning over records of tens of millions of their customers' phone calls to the National Security Agency right after the WTC attacks. These are the same people that have been listening in on our phone convos as well.

When I first heard about this story I looked out my window thinking that I had time traveled back into communist Russia. My eyes swept the skyline looking for the tell tale landmarks … aha there was the statue of liberty (Hola chica!)… there’s the empty spot where the towers once stood….wait, wait ohhh yeah there it is the Empire State Building! Nope I was still in the good ol’ USA circa 2006. It’s hard to see what has become of this country under the leadership of Bush The Younger. Everything this man does is under the guise of stopping terrorism. “George did you eat the last piece of cake? Yes Laura I did it was part of my war on terrorism. We have information Osama is hiding in the basement of the Duncan Hines Cake plant!” Eventually he’s going to have to stop hiding behind that bull snot war on terrorism excuse.

Many of my friends have said,” Well maybe 911 wouldn’t have happened if the government had been monitoring phone calls.” WTF?! What are you some white right wing Christian conservative from the red states?! Mira cante pendeja despierta! See now you know I’m really irked because I just got bilingual on y’all. Bush is getting away with all of this crap because of the public’s obsessive fear which thank you very much has been fed filet mignon from the table of fear by el presidente and the media on a daily basis. Color alerts for terror… red, orange, magenta wtf man who thought of this crap Rainbow Brite?!

The truth is a painful one but oh so true…the war on terrorism that Bush is fighting can never be won, as long as there is a nut case out there with an ax to grind and people willing to listen to him no one is really safe in any part of the world. If terrorism were something that could be defeated wouldn’t Israel be as safe and secure as a ham sandwich in a synagogue? The truth is if we continue to lose our privacy and be all passive about in because it is being done the name of security then we have already lost the war on terrorism.


Posted by @ 9:43 AM
1 comment from: Blogger Mica,