Mia: Shaken Not Stirred

The true life stories of a NYC female.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Life and the unbearable heat...

It's been hot lately I mean REALLY hot, so hot Satan himself is demanding I crank up the AC in my room. I'm still struggling with the math class and professor from Hades. So far out most of the class has dropped out we are down to 6 students...lol The remaining students myself included want to put out a "hit" on this professor, he is horrible! He quizzes us once per week and unfortunately enjoys torturing us by including questions on material we have yet to learn!
So none of us are scoring too high on his exams. The other day he informed us that if we do great on our HW and have trouble with the exams he is not counting our homework scores towards our final grade because it is obvious to him that someone must be doing our homework. I curse him. I hope his member gets caught in his zipper next time he's using the urinal.

My hamster Stewy escaped the other day he roamed the house for 2 days before we found him in the bathroom. Now he thinks he's Houdini and is constantly trying to make a run for it.

So far the summer has been fun i've been doing a tour of the beaches in NYC, something about the water in my ear and sand in my drawers I just love!
My aunt Nora is headed out to Egypt next week for a month and I am soooo jealous..lol
I was supposed to go back out there this summer but I had to take this math class so I passed on the trip. My cousin Mahmoud felt bad about it so he promised to take me back out there next winter (inshullah)

Well it's time to hit the books now.. pray for me dear readers..lol

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