Mia: Shaken Not Stirred

The true life stories of a NYC female.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

NYC HS students cut out of school...

Hundreds of city high school students staged a walkout Wednesday, gathering in Union Square as part of a national day of resistance against the Bush administration.

Some students, who are not even old enough to vote, started walking out of class late Wednesday morning to show support for the group The World Can't Wait.

The group is urging people across the country to stand up against President George W. Bush. Many students say the war in Iraq is their main cause for concern.

“I don't think Bush knows what he's doing at all. I think he's completely made a huge mess and I'm completely against him. So whatever I can do to express that to people and spread the word so that people understand that,” said one participant.

“I came out here because I feel there are much more important issues going on that passing science. I think that what Bush is doing is completely, completely wrong. I think that the situation in Iraq is just totally messed up. I mean there are children and babies being bombed,” added another.

Students from all five boroughs looking to exercise their voices are taking part in Wednesday’s rally. The Department of Education had no comment about the event.


Posted by @ 4:42 PM
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